The Best Global Wealth And Society Programme

Measuring Wealth to Promote Sustainable Development urges governments to consider alternatives to GDP as the main gauge of societal advancement. We want to create a better world, so we created the Global Wealth and Society Program to highlight the beneficial effects that wealth can have on environmentally friendly initiatives.

Simply put, wealth is the total value of all of our collective social assets. Because it represents the resources that are currently available to ensure the continuation of our social and economic activities in the future, wealth is significant. Therefore, wealth metrics offer a crucial lens through which we can evaluate our chances for future well-being.

With the help of the Global Wealth And Society Programme, we aim to determine the significant contribution that the privileged make to their respective societies:

Mr Muhammad Yunus:

Muhammad Yunus is a social entrepreneur from Bangladesh who also works as a banker, economist, and leader of civil society. He won the Nobel Peace Prize for founding the Grameen Bank and developing the ideas of microcredit and microfinance. He promoted good jobs, clean energy, affordable education, good water, and economic development. In Colombia, Brazil, Haiti, the Balkans, Tunisia, India, and Uganda, YSB has assisted over 3000 entrepreneurs, completed $ 13 million in social business financing annually, helped create over 30,000 jobs, and impacted the lives of over 3 million people. These loans are provided to business owners who are too poor to be eligible for conventional bank loans.

Sukanto Tanoto:

Sukanto Tanoto is a businessman from Indonesia who primarily works in the lumber sector. An independent family foundation founded by Indonesians is called Tanoto Foundation. He was regarded as one of Indonesia's richest people in 2013 with a net worth of US$ 2.3 billion. In 1973, Tanoto made the transition from supplying tools and supplies to the state-owned oil company Pertamina to entering the forestry business. Tanoto's business interests are represented by the Royal Golden Eagle (RGE) group of companies (previously known as Raja Garuda Mas). The Foundation focuses on improving access to knowledge and education, with a specific focus on countries in which Tanoto has a business presence, including Indonesia, Singapore, and China. 

Key activities include: Providing access to education through the provision of more than 20,000 scholarships (as of 2018), improving the quality of schools and teaching, and funding medical research into diseases prevalent in Asian populations. 

In 2018 the Foundation announced a refreshed strategy including four targets: Contribute to the reduction of the stunting rate in Indonesia to below 20% by 2030.

 Help Indonesia become one of the five most improved countries in the OECD's Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) ranking system by 2030.

Expand preventive and integrative medical research into diseases that are common in Asia by 2030 to increase the average lifespan of Asians by five years. Encourage the growth of a group of leaders who are having a positive influence on society.

For the benefit of its High Net Worth Investors and partners, the Global Wealth And Society Program also offers (CSR) Corporate Social Responsibility Certification Programs, which we offer intending to obtain an impartial review of the corporation's or foundation's public claims. It is not intended to satisfy any legal requirements that are unique to every nation and vary from one another.


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